Lumiere Festival 2021 – Creating the Sea of Tranquility
Over the last few years through the dance programs we have explored the power of color and intention in our dance lessons. The artwork created by MacKenzie Greenwell and Emily Benjamin at GRNZ studios with their tap shoes, specific music choices and intention created the Five Element Paintings that are a part of the tapestry used in the art explorations. Organized into the 5 Element Wheel from Traditional Chinese Medicine, these paintings have been explored through two different wheel processes, one to nurture the body, and one to create new possibility. These are known as the Shen and Ko Cycles.
Together, through this interactive art experience, we will be exploring the power of color and intention along with goal setting to realize the potential of possibility for strength, resiliency, calm, de-stressing and more in your life. Where we set our intentions, energy will follow. We will explore how this works and how it feels, what your senses become aware of.
As part of this special event, we are also exploring the power of the Choose Love Formula: Gratitude, Forgiveness, Compassion in Action and Courage. We explore them through the colors and the Five Element Theory with Sign Language. We are playing with art in a new and inspiring way!
Please share the event with friends and colleagues who might like to be a part of the explorations. As we are online, we have the potential to all meet together through Zoom on Sunday, September 19th from 2-3 pm ADT (1-2 pm EST).
See you there.
If you wish to order the tapestry, it is found on RedBubble. There are three sizes. Purchases support the artists from GRNZ studios.
If you wish to order the Mats, they are located on the Dance Debut online shop.