Frequently asked questions about our program.
What sets Choose Love for Schools™ apart from other SEL programs?
At least three things. First it all started with Jesse and that inspirational story inspires everyone.
If Scarlett could find courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion after losing her 6-year old son, we all can. Second the emphasis on making Heroic Choices during our Choice Moments is super easy to understand and activate and it’s where all decisions originate. Third connection the head and the heart where lessons become life leading to safer and more uplifting environments we all want to live in.
What standards does Choose Love for Schools align with?
Choose Love For Schools™ is aligned with the new Character and Social Emotional Development Standards (CSED). These standards include BOTH Character.org and CASEL’s standards.
It also aligns with Common Core and ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors.
Choose Love For Schools™ goes beyond these standards and ALSO incorporates Growth Mindset, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Post-Traumatic Growth and Emotional Intelligence into the lessons.
How does Choose Love For Schools™ encourage family involvement? Community?
Many of the Choose Love For Schools™ lessons encourage learners to think about ways they can apply the lessons to improving their communities, and we also proudly offer programs developed for Community organizations and for Athletes and Youth Leadership development because we are committed to helping extend the benefits of the Choose Love Formula™ beyond the classroom.
Does Choose Love fit into the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Model (MTSS?)
Does the program address self-harm and/or suicide prevention?
Why is literature central to the Pre-K through Grade 5 lessons in the new Choose Love For Schools™?
Literature is the pathway to the heart and connections with others. It fosters positive self-esteem and empathy, supports inclusion, and nurtures respect and acceptance among students. When students realize everyone feels the same emotions, no matter the color of their skin, where they come from, what language they speak, or how they look, they realize their similarities are more than their differences.
Does Choose Love For Schools™ require training in order to implement?
How long does each lesson take to complete?
Does the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement offer professional development opportunities?
How does Choose Love for Schools™ address bullying?
It can be tempting to vilify bullies, but time and again we are reminded that hurt people, hurt people. Ultimately, it is essential to separate the person from the action. The Choose Love formula can be particularly effective resolve bullying behaviors.
The formula involves elevating Choice Moments…the pause between a stimulus and response where everyone can either choose a courageous healthy response or a reactive one. The Supervisor, the Bully, the Bullied, the Bystander, and Upstanders can learn how the formula can work to their advantage.
- Courage to choose a more thoughtful response essential to break free of our automatic reactive patterns.
- Gratitude to have the skills and wisdom to bring a new lens to the situation.
- Forgiveness for previous reactive responses without losing sight of accountability or limit setting.
- And Compassion-in-action to have a deeper appreciation that we are all the same in the want and need to love and be loved.
Based in neuroscience, Choose Love not only reduces and prevents bullying but also allows everyone involved to hold onto their personal power. All of these actions disrupt the pathway to violence yielding healthier, happier, and especially safer environments where entire communities are uplifted.
What research has been done on the outcomes of the Choose Love curriculum?
Scientific research proves that teaching evidence-based Character and Social Emotional Development Standards (CSED) in the classroom significantly benefits all children, including those with special needs– that is, academically, behaviorally, physically, mentally and socio-emotionally. Click here to view additional research on Choose Love For Schools™
Of respondents to the 2023 Choose Love Educator Survey:
● 95% of educators believe the program is effective
● 70% of educators reported students showing more COURAGE (trying new or difficult tasks, expressing themselves more, etc)
● 74% of educators reported students showing more GRATITUDE (appreciation, empathy, kindness)
● 64% of educators reported students showing more FORGIVENESS (less aggression, more self emotional control)
● 70% of educators reported an increase in COMPASSION-IN-ACTION (improved social skills, enhanced connections)
● 55% of educators reported increased academic success
● 68% of respondents reported an improvement in classroom climate
● 59% of respondents reported an improvement in students’ behavior
● 78% of educators say they enjoy teaching the program
● 71% of educators believe students enjoy the program
● 59% of educators report increased job satisfaction as a result of teaching Choose Love