Ways To Give
Be the Change you wish to see in the world.

How You Can Help

Donate Money
For every $1 of your contribution, you are providing Choose Love programming to 1 child for a whole year. With just $25, you can help an entire class learn & practice the Choose Love Formula; $100 you can help 100 students and $500, a whole school district!

Donate Time
Become a Choose Love Advocate or trained Ambassador and help spread the word! Work to get Choose Love into as many schools, homes, and communities as you can to make sure every person can benefit from the Choose Love Formula.

Shop Choose Love
Bring the Choose Love culture to life in your home, school, office, or business while supporting the Movement’s growth worldwide! We’ve got the perfect pieces for decorating your space, gifts for loved ones, school supplies, apparel and so much more…Check it out today!

Start A Facebook Fundraiser
Facebook fundraisers are easy ways to raise money and spread awareness for the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement!
Our monthly and daily newsletters are jam-packed with all kinds of important Choose Love information.
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To make a donation by mail…
The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement
PO Box 605
Newtown, Connecticut 06470
If you mail in a check, you will be mailed a letter indicating your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
All donations are tax-deductible. Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit (id#: 46-1931751).