What Research Has Been Done On The Outcomes of the Choose Love Curriculum?

Scientific research proves that teaching evidence-based Character and Social Emotional Development Standards (CSED) in the classroom significantly benefits all children, including those with special needs– that is, academically, behaviorally, physically, mentally and socio-emotionally. Click here to view additional research on Choose Love For Schools™.

Of respondents to the 2023 Choose Love Educator Survey:

● 95% of educators believe the program is effective
● 70% of educators reported students showing more COURAGE (trying new or difficult tasks, expressing themselves more, etc)
● 74% of educators reported students showing more GRATITUDE (appreciation, empathy, kindness)
● 64% of educators reported students showing more FORGIVENESS (less aggression, more self emotional control)
● 70% of educators reported an increase in COMPASSION-IN-ACTION (improved social skills, enhanced connections)
● 55% of educators reported increased academic success
● 68% of respondents reported an improvement in classroom climate
● 59% of respondents reported an improvement in students’ behavior
● 78% of educators say they enjoy teaching the program
● 71% of educators believe students enjoy the program
● 59% of educators report increased job satisfaction as a result of teaching Choose Love

You can find these and additional studies in this document.