Frequently asked questions about our program.
What sets Choose Love for Schools™ apart?
Choose Love was born out of a tragedy that connected the world. Most adults remember where they were and what they were doing when the tragedy at Sandy Hook happened. This empathy opens hearts and minds to the story that began the Choose Love Movement that continues to connect hearts. This inspirational story inspires and motivates students, educators as well as parents and community members to realize they have a choice in how they behave and that love and kindness are the strongest.
Scarlett is a subject matter expert in education, character and social emotional development. She lives her message and models this in her actions. Choose Love has an excellent reputation across the education field and has spread by word of mouth to over 16,000 schools in every state and 120 countries, positively impacting approximately 10 million people.
The Choose Love is a revolutionary, comprehensive proactive and preventative approach. Choose Love focuses on the grievance end of the Pathway to Violence as it provides essential life skills and awareness needed to reduce and prevent the pain that can lead to substance abuse, mental illness, violence and more.
Choose Love synthesizes the best of the best of what’s available, including positive psychology, resilience and grit, mindfulness, neuroscience, social and emotional learning, character education on a trauma informed base. Our foundation is Post Traumatic Growth, teaching kids that life’s challenges are an opportunity for growth. We start with the self in order to cultivate self-esteem, confidence and worth. Only when we love and accept ourselves can we do this for others.
The goal is to raise courageous kids that can face difficulty and pain and get curious in order to learn from, grow through and be strengthened by the pain, rather than be taken down by it and others as well.
Using the latest research and neuroscience we have a proprietary Learning Management System that delivers an award-winning and world class curriculum for all ages. The emphasis of the lessons is on having the ability to feel better and thoughtfully respond with love. This begins with our thoughts that directly impact how we feel, that determines how we behave. Kids learn that when someone isn’t kind, it’s because of how they’re thinking and feeling and they understand and respond with kindness rather than escalate the situation.
Our superpower is our ability to choose in every situation, circumstance or interaction how we respond. We have a powerful formula that incorporates Jesse’s example of courage when he saved 9 of his classmates’ lives as well as his iconic chalkboard message of ‘Nurturing Healing Love’ that translates into gratitude, forgiveness and compassion in action. We all have the capacity for the courage that Jesse showed to make ‘Heroic Choices’ during our Choice Moments. The Prek-12th grade curriculum is super easy to understand and activate and is universal in its teaching.
The curriculum is designed to bring our “Locus of Control” back inside of us where we have the power to make positive changes in our lives, the definition of hope. When our Locus of Control is outside of us we feel like things happen ‘to’ us, we tend to blame others for where we are, we feel helpless, victimized and this can ultimately lead to hopelessness. Hopelessness is the single most consistent factor in suicides and violence. The Choose Love Formula: Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action) is designed to give individuals their personal power back.
We have professional development, workshops, membership and certification to back up our no-cost curriculum. Scarlett was determined to provide this teaching at no cost because she believes it would have saved her son’s life and can reduce and prevent much of the suffering we see today.
What standards does Choose Love for Schools align with?
Choose Love For Schools™ is aligned with the new Character and Social Emotional Development Standards (CSED). These standards include BOTH Character.org and CASEL’s standards.
It also aligns with Common Core and ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors.
Choose Love For Schools™ goes beyond these standards and ALSO incorporates Growth Mindset, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Post-Traumatic Growth and Emotional Intelligence into the lessons.
How does Choose Love For Schools™ encourage family involvement? Community?
Choose Love For Schools™ units include a Caregiver Connection section that offers links to videos, activities and discussion topics from our Choose Love at Home program that was designed for quick, easy family instruction.
Many of the Choose Love For Schools™ lessons encourage learners to think about ways they can apply the lessons to improving their communities, and we also proudly offer programs developed for Community organizations and for Athletes and Youth Leadership development because we are committed to helping extend the benefits of the Choose Love Formula™ beyond the classroom.
Does Choose Love fit into the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Model (MTSS?)
Does the program address self-harm and/or suicide prevention?
Why is literature central to the Pre-K through Grade 5 lessons in the new Choose Love For Schools™?
Literature is the pathway to the heart and connections with others. It fosters positive self-esteem and empathy, supports inclusion, and nurtures respect and acceptance among students. When students realize everyone feels the same emotions, no matter the color of their skin, where they come from, what language they speak, or how they look, they realize their similarities are more than their differences.
Does Choose Love For Schools™ require training in order to implement?
How long does each lesson take to complete?
Does the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement offer professional development opportunities?
How does Choose Love for Schools™ address bullying?
It can be tempting to vilify bullies, but time and again we are reminded that hurt people, hurt people. Ultimately, it is essential to separate the person from the action. The Choose Love formula can be particularly effective resolve bullying behaviors.
The formula involves elevating Choice Moments…the pause between a stimulus and response where everyone can either choose a courageous healthy response or a reactive one. The Supervisor, the Bully, the Bullied, the Bystander, and Upstanders can learn how the formula can work to their advantage.
- Courage to choose a more thoughtful response essential to break free of our automatic reactive patterns.
- Gratitude to have the skills and wisdom to bring a new lens to the situation.
- Forgiveness for previous reactive responses without losing sight of accountability or limit setting.
- And Compassion-in-action to have a deeper appreciation that we are all the same in the want and need to love and be loved.
Based in neuroscience, Choose Love not only reduces and prevents bullying but also allows everyone involved to hold onto their personal power. All of these actions disrupt the pathway to violence yielding healthier, happier, and especially safer environments where entire communities are uplifted.
What research has been done on the outcomes of the Choose Love curriculum?
Scientific research proves that teaching evidence-based Character and Social Emotional Development Standards (CSED) in the classroom significantly benefits all children, including those with special needs– that is, academically, behaviorally, physically, mentally and socio-emotionally. Click here to view additional research on Choose Love For Schools™
Of respondents to the 2024 Choose Love Educator Survey:
- 99% of educators believe the program is effective
- 76% of educators reported students showing more COURAGE (trying new or difficult tasks, expressing themselves more, etc)
- 80% of educators reported students showing more GRATITUDE (appreciation, empathy, kindness)
- 72% of educators reported students showing more FORGIVENESS (less aggression, more self emotional control)
- 79% of educators reported an increase in COMPASSION-IN-ACTION (improved social skills, enhanced connections)
- 61% of educators reported increased academic success
- 75% of respondents reported an improvement in classroom climate
- 69% of respondents reported an improvement in students’ behavior
- 84% of educators say they enjoy teaching the program
- 78% of educators believe students enjoy the program
- 68% of educators report increased job satisfaction as a result of teaching Choose Love
- 82% of educators report benefitting personally from the Choose Love Program