Scarlett’s chapter, “Healing Love,” shares the story of how she lost her son in a horrific tragedy and was able to overcome the pain and anger and experience healing through forgiveness.
In this New York-Times bestseller, Scarlett tells her story of how she created a worldwide Movement to Choose Love and encourages everyone to be kind, to be grateful, to forgive, and to uncover the courage we all have within us.
This powerful best-selling book recounts the captivating life story of Yannick Kabuguza, a Choose Love Ambassador, who endured great pain and tragedy as a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. Lavin focuses on the indomitable human spirit and how Yannick forgave those responsible for his disfigurement and the death of his family members and healed himself through gratitude and compassion. The book includes how Lavin established a deep connection with Scarlett and the Choose Love Movement.
This book helps readers move from their own “dark night of the soul” and into a brighter future. This book plots the path of healing and flourishing in six words: Why bother? Lament. Hope. Lead. Persevere. Jordan shares wit and wisdom gathered from both her own life as an innovation expert to the teachings of great leaders in such diverse locations as Scarlett Lewis in Sandy Hook, Connecticut to the war zones of the Democratic Republic of Congo. These leaders were ordinary people until life pushed them to its edge. In their darkest moments, they reached for the further shore.
This book features a wide selection of stories and insights into Scarlett’s story is featured in Chapter VI, Renew the Face of the Earth: A Call to Love. The stories in this book offer readers a book of wisdom to inspire during hard times and guide them in finding the light in any crisis.
Alex Woodard weaves his own journey through true stories, including Scarlett’s experience of losing Jesse, as he travels from the congested confines of Southern California to the wide open wild skies of Southern Idaho. Scarlett’s letter to Jesse is included along with songs she and Alex wrote together about the letter.
In the chapter, Jesse in the Sky, Scarlett shares her story of losing her son in the Sandy Hook tragedy. Scarlett’s story is one of 101 true stories of amazing coincidences, answered prayers, awesome charity, and love that show miracles and good happen every day, giving hope whenever people need it most. This is a book of stories about powerful hope, wondrous connections, divine intervention, and answered prayers.
Scarlett’s story is one of 101 miraculous stories featured in this book that shares real people’s stories about their incredible, personal angel experiences of faith, divine intervention, and answered prayers. The stories reflect on hope, healing, and help from angels.
In Chapter 6, Growth and Protection, of Bruce Lipton’s 10th anniversary edition of The Biology of Belief, the author shares Scarlett’s story to explain how people can heal through the power of love.
Dana Liesegang’s riveting memoir details how she was sexually assaulted at age 19, thrown off a cliff and left for dead, and was paralyzed. That didn’t stop her from forgiving her attacker. Dana harnessed her inner resilience to survive and overcome and the power of forgiveness to set her free. In Chapter 21, Forgiveness, Dana shares how Scarlett inspired her to let go of her painful burden by forgiving her attacker and setting forth on a path to healing.
This book captures the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and views of four men. Men from different backgrounds and circumstances who find themselves connected through their stories; their lives within the prison system. This book is a collective display of their artistry; the canvas for their voices, both separate and united, on their pasts, present and futures. It amplifies and sheds light on the encumbrance their sentences bear on their lives, the lives of their loved ones, and the world around us.