Choose Love Certified Schools

Choose Love School Certification provides a blueprint of our most successful schools with a three year action plan that ensures success.

Schools now have a way to highlight their commitment to their students and staffs’ safety, health and wellbeing. Choose Love Certified Schools are nurtured along the Choose Love along the way, and guided through professional development.

Proactive and Preventative Approach to Mental Wellness 

This mark of excellence provides the security and confidence of knowing your school is doing everything in its power to address ‘diseases of despair’ proactively and preventatively. By addressing the grievance end of the pathway to violence, your school is taking a proactive and preventative approach to mental wellness.

Email us for more information:

Promote Certification

Your school will be given a digital badge to announce publicly that you value your students’ and staffs’ safety, health, and wellbeing. Indoor and outdoor sIgnage can be obtained.

Choose Love certification offers invaluable benefits for schools, parents, and communities. 

Choose Love Certification is a powerful tool that not only helps schools implement and practice Choose Love effectively, but also creates a ripple effect of positivity and compassion in the broader community.

For schools, the certification provides a framework of tried and true best practices, ensuring that they are implementing Choose Love in the most effective way possible. A school-wide support of Choose Love and the essential life skills to foster a safe and compassionate environment.

Parents benefit from the certification by knowing that their children are in a school environment that prioritizes character social emotional development, and are creating a supportive and nurturing community for their children to thrive in. Parents will also be introduced to the Choose Love for Home programming, and will be able to learn and practice these essential life skills alongside their children.

Communities benefit from the certification as it promotes a culture of compassion and understanding, leading to a more harmonious and connected community overall. Clubs, associations, police departments, retail and business owners can embrace Choose Love principles and take part in a Choose Love community day event.


Choose Love Cares Experiential Workshops

Professional Development to Elevate Your School-wide Character Social Emotional Development Skills and Transforming Your School Culture

Choose Love Cares Experiential Workshops provide professional development and coaching that supports our no-cost Choose Love For Schools™ programming. 

We are here for you and your team to cultivate a positive environment and healthy mindsets. We’ll show you how easy and rewarding it is to implement Choose Love programming and embrace the Choose Love lifestyle.

Get your school year started with a Kickoff Keynote with Scarlett Lewis, Choose Love founder, followed by Foundations of Choosing Love, and Implementations & Best Practices, and our four-part Master Class series which focuses on each pillar of the Choose Love Formula.

Email us for more information:

We’ll Be With You Every Step of the Way

We are here to support YOUR Choose Love Journey in whatever capacity you need.  Three ways to reach out:

  • Choose Love staff
  • Choose Love Ambassador
  • Peer-to-Peer Support Circle
  • Spotlight webinars
  • Monthly Call with Scarlett Lewis

Do Any of the Following Apply to You?

  • You would like to take more time to work on YOU to create a healthier mental well-being.
  • You would like to address the increasing number of students battling social, emotional, and behavioral issues, but don’t feel confident or equipped on where to start.
  • You would like to cultivate strong, authentic connections with staff & students, to enhance trust, collaboration, and teamwork.
  • You want to help your students and staff feel supported, safe, happy and loved to foster positive, loving learning environments and maximize academic learning.

If you checked ANY of these boxes…we have JUST the solution for YOU!

Need Funding? We Can Help!

Grants are available. We can help you find a grant and apply.

Looking for grant funds for Certifcation or professional development at your school? Your school may have Federal funding available, and we can assist you with grant applications. We recommend first contacting your school administrator for information about ARP/ESSER funding plans.

Educators may also check these websites for individual grants:

Schools & Communities Choosing Love

What People Are Saying About Our Workshops

“My greatest takeaway from this workshop was learning about things I can incorporate into my live lessons next year, and even things I can do to help my daughter with her anxiety. I plan to use positive self-talk, music, getting to know students on a more personal level, and share with students different breathing techniques. This is not information that only teachers can use for their students. It's information that anyone can use.”

Testimonial Item


“I loved how personal this curriculum is and how it was created by educators for educators. My biggest takeaway is that SEL is so important for us teachers and students, and the more we can include reflections and check-ins throughout our weeks the better. I loved the facilitator’s energy, and I think any school without a SEL curriculum should join in and begin with this Choose Love curriculum because it lays a great foundation for students, teachers, and staff.”
Testimonial Item



Read The Latest From Our Facilitators

Beyond Management: The Art of Classroom Guidance

Beyond Management: The Art of Classroom Guidance

It's time to retire the old "classroom management" playbook. Why? Because "management" implies control over objects, not nurturing of young minds. Instead, let's embrace a more powerful paradigm: classroom guidance. This shift isn't just semantic – it's a fundamental...

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You Aren’t Alone

We are here to help you and your team cultivate positive, healthy mindsets, enhance your personal well-being, embrace Choose Love programming with ease, unite greater as a staff, and better support the needs of your students.

Our workshops will allow you to grow greater awareness around the benefits of Character Social Emotional Development (CSED), feel more confident and equipped to integrate essential CSED practices within your personal life as well as the classroom, and create a safe and loving environment.

Request More Information Today!