Choose Love for Out-of-School-Time Programs (Afterschool, Expanded Learning Programs)
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Time: 7:00 – 8:30PM EST
Cost: FREE
Facilitator Name: Rick Rood
This spotlight webinar is for Out-of-School-Time, AfterSchool, and Expanded Learning Directors. School-Age Afterschool programs are the ideal place for students to learn the four ingredients of the Choose Love™ Social-Emotional Learning Program. Long being the primary service point for Social-Emotional learning, Out-of-School-Time programs have the flexibility and resources to create a vibrant “miniature society” based on the fabric of CHOOSING LOVE. Join us for tips, tricks and hacks for the implementation of the CHOOSE LOVE™ SEL Program in your afterschool / Out-of-School-Time / Expanded Learning Program (School Age). While the workshop will be focused on K-6 afterschool programs, Middle and High school programs can easily gather the information and adapt the discussion to their own age level.
Participants will become familiar with the curriculum as it exists on the CHOOSE LOVE website
Participants will learn how to implement the CHOOSE LOVE curriculum in large and small groups, as well as with students’ families
Participants will have the opportunity to receive live feedback in creating their own custom-fit scheduling and project ideas using the CHOOSE LOVE curriculum
Please consider making a donation to the Choose Love Movement to support our mission and continue to make our programming available for everyone free of charge. As well, learn more about our CARES Professional Developments for schools and visit our online store.
Upcoming Events:
SEL Fitness (Social Emotional Learning + Movement Therapy) Spotlight Webinar
How To Turn Anxiety Into Positive Action Workshop with Scarlett Lewis
Rick RoodChoose Love Ambassador
Rick Rood has worked in the field of Education for more than 30 years, guiding children and supervising front-line staff. With degrees in Education and Afterschool Care, Rick is a student of the thought leader movement, distilling lessons from masters like Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and Brendon Burchard. Participants have described his workshops as “fascinating” and “life-changing.”
Rick is the author of “Games Teachers Play Before the Bell Rings” and is a Certified High Performance Coach working privately and in groups with educators, helping them achieve higher levels of performance in their work and personal lives.
Rick currently serves youth as a 4th and 5th grade teacher in Albuquerque, NM, where he lives with his wife and kids.