Giving Tuesday – Save The Date
Please join us to celebrate our Month of Gratitude as we reach out to THANK YOU for your involvement with the Choose Love Movement through some of the most trying times in education. Your decision to use the Choose Love for Schools Curriculum and reach out compassionately to your staff, students, families and community shows your dedication and commitment to create a world that is also better served with love, gratitude, forgiveness and courage.
As a gratitude action from the team at the Choose Love Movement team, we would like to invite you to be our special guest for a night of celebration. We will be honoring the districts, schools, educators, support staff and parents who have been living the Choose Love Formula all year.
We would be honored if you would reach out to your community and extend our invitation. Together we will raise the virtual roof on Choosing Love. Scarlett will share the incredible excitement and experiences from our first ever Bus Tour in the state of NH, and our Canadian Ambassadors, Paula Nowak Droog and Michelle Greenwell, from our Sunday Wellness series “Nurturing our Inner Compassion” will guide us into some calm activities to rejuvenate us and set the stage for the Holiday season. We will also hear from special guests about their experiences and creativity with Choose Love activities this year. It is a night to celebrate the message of ‘Nurturing Healing Love.’
Register today and join us on November 30th, 2021 at 7pm EST!