By Scarlett Lewis, Chief Movement Officer
For those of you who have heard me speak, you know that I always start by saying that our educators are our modern day superheroes! You all are on the front lines of everything that’s happening in a child’s life, all the wonderful things as well as difficult. You are present, with our most precious asset, our children, every day helping to shape and mold them into the humans they will become. There is no more important job in the entire world. Thank you for showing up each day and putting your best foot forward.
At the same time, the job has changed. One of the most important missions of the Choose Love Movement is to love and support our educators. I travel all over the world, working in schools, presenting to parents and communities, and I see the change. It’s more complicated now, more trauma, behavioral issues and learning loss. During the COVID shutdown we began our CARES Professional Development out of necessity, facilitating support and vital resources for our educators through lively presentations and powerful life skills that enable individuals to take their personal power back and flourish, even through hard times.
Spring has sprung, and today is a new day. Our CARES program for educators and administrators is blossoming, just like the flowers on the dogwood tree. Schools around the globe are taking advantage of our tailored offerings, focused on putting the Choose Love Formula to work in their lives and the lives of their students. Kids, and big kids, that love themselves do not want to cause harm. This makes common sense. As Ghandi so eloquently said, “People must learn to hate…and if they can be taught to hate, they can be taught to love for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Noone is born angry or hateful. They’re cultivated into what they become by the inability to manage their pain. Choose Love teaches these essential life skills for schools, homes and communities because we’re stronger together!
As Choose Love teaches, thankfully the vast majority of the stress we experience is eustress and actually fortifies and strengthens us all the way down to the cellular level. Someone said pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Choose Love teaches how to manage our thoughts, that impact how we feel that in turn affects how we behave and show up in relationships. These are some of the most fundamental concepts yet they lead to a meaningful and purpose filled life. Your best life.
Tired of waiting for someone else to fix the issues that are escalating in our world? Be part of the solution and join the Movement to Choose Love! Together, let’s create the world we want to live in – one that is safe, peaceful and loving.
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