Scarlett Lewis appears on Fox News after Parkland Shooting

Scarlett Lewis on Fox News on the Parkland shooting and how social and emotional learning and the Choose Love Enrichment Program can help create safer schools.
My heart goes out to the parents of the Parkland victims. I know the agony and despair well, having your precious child viciously massacred in what is supposed to be a safe haven. There are no words.
After every tragedy (more than 200 hundred school shootings since Sandy Hook Elementary School) we react, argue, accuse, and become more fearful yet this has done NOTHING to prevent these shootings.
SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ARE PREVENTABLE. And we know how to do it. We need to cultivate the courage to think proactively and preventatively instead of reacting to AND FOCUSING ON our issues (bullying, suicide, substance abuse, etc.) and always being a step behind.
Social and Emotional Learning is the SOLUTION. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the most proactive and preventative mental health initiative there is. It is the NUMBER ONE way to cultivate a safe school environment. We know through decades of scientific research that this is in our children’s best interest AND the best interest of our society.
Social and Emotional Learning
is the NUMBER ONE way to cultivate safety from the inside out!
Take Action and make sure YOUR school has SEL.
I have dedicated my life to making sure that all children have access to SEL through a program that I created, the Choose Love Enrichment Program. This is a F-R-E-E comprehensive PreK-12th grade social and emotional learning program for schools plus At Home version for families.
I am grateful for the thousands of people that have supported this effort including parents, educators, politicians and STUDENTS THEMSELVES who want to be PART OF THE SOLUTION!! This grassroots movement has spread throughout all 50 states and 45 countries BY WORD OF MOUTH because it WORKS. AND IT’S FREE.
Join us in a worldwide movement that is teaching children SEL skills by teaching them to Choose Love. We’ve positively impacted hundreds of thousands of students. THIS IS THE SOLUTION.
Thank you for choosing love!!
Scarlett Lewis
Mother of Jesse Lewis, Sandy Hook hero and victim
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