SEL Awareness Week | February 7-14, 2018

Jan 8, 2018 | SEL

For the fourth year, the State of Connecticut has proclaimed February 7-14th Social and Emotional Learning Awareness Week. This is a Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement initiative and every year we celebrate and promote this important week with a call to action for educators and students across the country. The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Enrichment Program teaches social and emotional learning with students learning the Choose Love Formula which is Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love. 

This year we are calling all writers to submit a written piece expressing what Choosing Love means to them. Students may write a poem, story, song, rap…any written expression to illustrate Choosing Love and how that shapes and impacts their lives. We are empowering students across the country with social and emotional learning and the idea that you can’t always choose what happens to you, but you can always choose how you respond and you can respond by Choosing Love. We want to highlight and celebrate all of the ways that students are Choosing Love and in doing so, creating a ripple effect that is making a difference in their lives and the lives of others. 

We have developed a fun and easy toolkit you can download for free to help celebrate SEL Awareness Week!

  • Choose Love Calendar
  • Caught Choosing Love Coupon
  • Wordsearch with Answer Key
  • Choose Love Pledge
  • SEL Awareness Week – Heart Activity Sheet