The 8th Annual Choose Love Awareness Month

Jan 11, 2022 | General

February is Choose Love Awareness Month! Choose Love Awareness Month is a call to action for educators, students, families and communities to celebrate and promote the importance of teaching children core competencies and skills, beyond academics, that can help them thrive socially, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Each week will feature a pillar of the Choose Love Formula:

Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion-in-Action = Choosing Love

When we mindfully practice the Choose Love Formula and model the behavior that can positively impact those around us daily, we can make the world a safer, more peaceful and loving place.

Ways to take part in Choose Love Awareness Month:

  • Learn more about the Choose Love Formula.  
  • Follow the Choose Love social media including FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Like, comment, and share our posts to help raise awareness.
  • Tell your teachers and administration about Choose Love For Schools™.
  • Take the Choose Love Pledge and learn the Choose Love Formula™.
  • Make a choice every day to turn one angry thought into a loving thought.
  • Become a Choose Love Advocate. Access Advocate toolkit.
  • Sponsor a Choose Love gift basket for a class, school, or district. Gift a Kit HERE.

Choose Love Poetry Contest

This year we will be holding a poetry contest on the Choose Love Formula. Select poems will be featured on social media and the Choose Love website and promotions, and all poems will be included in a Choose Love Poetry book.

Choose Love Awareness Month Toolkit

A toolkit will be available with resources to help you celebrate Choose Love all month.

Choose Love Summit

On February 26 and 27, a Choose Love Summit virtual event will provide everyone – educators, parents and the general public – with tools comprising character and social-emotional learning, EFT Tapping, positive psychology, and more, illustrating how to use these tools to cultivate more loving and harmonious schools, homes, and communities that Choose Love even through difficulty. Based on the Choose Love Formula and incorporating Jesse’s message of Have a Lot of Fun, the summit will leave you feeling balanced, energized and with a renewed sense of hope and healing. 

Stay tuned for more about Choose Love Awareness Month.

The Choose Love Movement is a community-led movement offering free character social emotional programming to help people take their personal power back by thoughtfully responding to any situation or circumstance. We have reached over 3 million children in all 50 states and 120 countries.

Its signature program, Choose Love for Schools™, is a comprehensive, no cost, character social and emotional development program for Pre-K through 12th grades, designed to teach students, educators, and staff how to choose love in any circumstance thereby creating a safer, more connected school culture.  

“We celebrate Choose Love and social and emotional learning all year long, but February has been officially designated Choose Love Awareness Month and we welcome everyone — students, educators, families, and communities across the country and the world — to learn and share the Choose Love message,” said Scarlett Lewis.

Choose Love gives kids the skills and tools they need to have healthy connections and manage their emotions. It’s a proactive and preventative mental health initiative that teaches kids:

  • How to get along
  • How to have healthy and positive relationships
  • How to have deep and meaningful connections
  • Skills and tools for resilience
  • Emotional management
  • Conflict resolution                

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