Transform Angry Thoughts into Loving Ones

Jan 19, 2025 | General, Scarlett's Blog

By Scarlett Lewis, Chief Movement Officer

At Jesse’s funeral, the Choose Love Movement was born. It began with the profound recognition that tragedies often start from a single angry thought. I asked everyone to pause and Choose Love. And guess what? Lives transformed.

Choosing Love doesn’t mean ignoring the tough emotions or pretending everything is perfect. Simple doesn’t always mean easy. But it does mean you can start one step at a time. Here’s how:

1. Use Courage to pause in the Present (Choice) Moment: The best way to live with fewer regrets.

The present moment is where life truly happens. By pausing, you reclaim your power to respond, not react. This simple act of stopping before acting helps you make choices that align with your values. When you pause, you create space for love and wisdom to guide you. It’s the best way to live with fewer regrets.

2. Reflect on Thoughts: Get curious. What are the lessons, how will this help you grow?

Your thoughts shape your reality. By getting curious about them—what lessons they bring, how they serve you—you can use them as stepping stones for personal growth. When you reflect, you gain insight and shift your mindset from a place of fear to one of understanding and possibility. Every thought offers an opportunity for growth if you’re willing to pause and learn.

3. Challenge Negativity: Is it really true? Does it make me feel good?

Negativity often clouds our judgment. When we feel upset or triggered, we can ask ourselves: Is this thought really true? Does this thought serve me? By questioning negative beliefs, we not only break the cycle of self-doubt but also free ourselves from limiting thoughts that hold us back. Choose to let go of negativity—it doesn’t feel good and it doesn’t help.

4. Use Gratitude: Boost your mood by 10%. Switch the focus from negative to positive.

Gratitude is a powerful tool to shift your focus from what’s wrong to what’s right. In fact, simply practicing gratitude can improve your mood by at least 10%. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for. It rewires your brain to see abundance rather than lack, and you begin to cultivate a mindset of positivity and appreciation.

5. Guard Your Mind: Like a garden, tend to it daily. Forgiveness helps to get rid of pesky weeds.

Your mind is like a garden. If you tend to it daily, nourishing it with good thoughts, positive habits, and affirmations, you will reap the benefits. Just as weeds can choke the life out of plants, negative thoughts and emotional baggage can hold you back. Guard your mind by practicing forgiveness, as it clears away those pesky weeds, allowing your thoughts to flourish.

Remember every thought matters and impacts our cells. Every thought you have affects your cells. Your brain’s number one job is to protect you physically and emotionally. But sometimes, our brains jump to conclusions or default to fear. When this happens, take a moment and say, “Thanks, brain, but I’m in control now!” This simple statement activates your prefrontal cortex—the part of your brain that allows you to respond with clarity, wisdom, and love.

Through Choose Love lessons, learn about the formula, and practice it daily.

Courage to be present.
Gratitude to shift focus.
Forgiveness to let go.
Compassion in action to connect.

Harness positivity, flourish, and Choose Love. 


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