“Everybody Needs Healing” by Choose Love Ambassador Dee Dee Thurber

Jan 14, 2021 | General

Dee Dee Thurber, our Choose Love Ambassador for the state of Massachusetts, shares this song she wrote years ago titled: “Everybody Needs Healing.” She explains the inspiration for this song and how, 8 years later, she feels guided to share this song and its meaning with Scarlett and the Choose Love Movement.

“Inspiration, creativity, connection, presence, joy, peace -how can we live these words EVERY day? A Commitment for a life filled with growth – that is the path that has worked for me.

What happens next?  Well sometimes you do not know or might be completely surprised by your next step, what you are guided to do or create.

That is what happened to me.  I was guided to write a song.  Not just the words but to also create the tune and seek out a musical professional to help me with a rough recording of that song.  At the time, I was a busy, stay at home mom of 3 amazing children.  I was volunteering in their different schools, working to keep our house running smoothly with no intention of creating and recording a song.  There was one more thing that I was doing – working on my emotional past, working to release some trauma from my childhood. (my father was killed in Vietnam, 3 days after my 5th birthday) What I discovered is that when you do the work, you heal, you grow, you let go and then you create!  It may not happen in the same way for everyone – but a shift is in your life is probable.  By working on my own emotional past, I was able to become a truly clear and open channel for these words, this song to present itself as it did.  The words “came” to me at 1 am – after an emotional release workshop.  Two weeks later I was creating the tune on a keyboard.  Fast forward 2 MORE YEARS to the completion of the recording that you hear in the video.  The song has been sitting out on YouTube for 8 years.  Every now and then I work to get it “heard” by someone that can share it, get it out to the world.  (radio station, giving it to a singer at a concert)

A message that dropped in for me as I was writing this note – is that the Choose Love formula does really present itself in all areas of our life and daily.  When doing our personal work, it takes Courage to start, Forgiveness is needed as we move through the work because quite often early trauma starts with family members.  It is hard to move forward without Forgiveness.  I was always grateful everyday for the guidance that we received in those workshops – Gratitude is transformational!  Compassion in Action was always present as we were there for others working through their own traumas.  Holding a hand or sharing a hug is truly Compassion in Action.  Take a breath, and find the Choose Love formula in your daily life.

I am grateful that I was guided to share this song with Scarlett. I did so to share the message of it and just in case she might have connections to share it more globally. It turns out – YOU are all her connections.  The message can be felt by all – the words can resonate with anyone.  If the song speaks to you – I hope it offers some healing and remember:

You are whole never broken, shine so bright for all to see”

– Dee Dee Thurber, Choose Love Massachusetts Ambassador
Email: deedee@jesselewischooselove.org

PS If anyone knows a singer looking to record a soulful song, this one is available! There is more to the story about where the song came from -which a singer may be truly amazed at – but I can share that another time!

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