30 Days of Gratitude Challenge #18 – One Minute Meditation

Nov 22, 2021 | 30 Days of Gratitude, Announcements

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge #18 – One Minute Meditation

Allison Morgan of Zensational Kids.

Choose Love partner Zensational Kids created lesson plans for yoga and mindfulness to explore breath, movement and mindfulness with your students, as well as for yourself.

Research is demonstrating how these specific tools help the nervous system relax, organize and process information, which is not only essential for learning, but also living healthy, happy lives.

Yoga and mindfulness have been found to be highly effective practices to help students self-regulate, manage big emotions, focus their attention, and develop resilience.

In order to care for the academic welfare of our students, taking an active role in caring for their overall well-being has become paramount in education.

Find scripts for simple meditations like the Mountain Pose, Breathing Brakes, Rainbow Breath and more. Plus printable worksheets for the students.


Here’s a fun breathing exercise. You can have your students/children make their own Rainbow Breath picture and practice their Rainbow Breath.

Rainbow Breath Inclusion Support QLD

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge #18 – One Minute Meditation


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