When are we going to get serious about the safety, health and well-being of our children?
Tomorrow is the 9th anniversary of Sandy Hook. This marks the last time I hugged and kissed Jesse. And also the first day of my new life, focusing on being part of the solution. This day also marks the over 350 school shootings we’ve suffered since that cold day in 2012. We’ve had 28 school shootings so far this year. You might be thinking, what can I do about it? Here’s 10 things you can do right now to end school shootings:
1. Practice Courage. Be present with your children. The #1 thing they want this holiday is your attention. Put down your screens and love them. This might include going outside your comfort zone, that’s ok, that’s when we grow.
2. Practice Gratitude. I asked the congregation at Jesse’s funeral to think about what they’re thinking about and to choose a loving thought over an angry one. The majority of our thoughts are negative and repetitive and this negative focus shapes our reality. You can only think one thought at a time so use gratitude to shift the focus on your lens.
3. Practice Forgiveness. I forgave my son’s murderer. Take that perspective and let the hurt go that has happened to you, or you have inflicted on others. Hurt people hurt people.
4. Practice Compassion in Action. In every moment you are modeling for your child how to thoughtfully respond to every situation. It’s not enough to say something, your actions must be in alignment with your words. Use the widsom you’ve learned to help others. And in doing so, heal yourrself.
5. Spread the Word about the Choose Love Movement! Share this post and tell people THIS is what we need to keep our kids safe in schools. Make sure your schools know about Choose Love!
6. Donate to the Choose Love Movement. Do you know where your money goes to when you donate to other organizations? That a big part of donating. You must understand what they do with the money. We turn it around and provide NO COST essential life skills programming for ALL AGES including infant/toddlers (daycares), Prek-12th grade, homes and communities. These are skills and tools that will help create healthy and well-adjusted kids who will go on to flourish.
7. Choose Love. Become a member of our community by signing up for our newsletter and sharing our social media posts.
8. Choose Love with your family! Choose Love for Home will give your family easy exercises and discussion starters so that you can implement Choose Love practices in your every day life.
9. Identify someone for each of your family members to care for this holiday. Sit around the table and share the name of someone you think might be lonely and then together think of something you can do for that person.
10. “Have a Lot of fun.” This needs no explanation!
All the ‘Nurturing Healing Love’ we give out, we get back in healing and joy. CHOOSE LOVE! And of course, ‘Have a Lot of fun!
Thank you,
Scarlett Lewis
#EndSchoolShootings #ChooseLove #SandyHook
10 Things You Can Do Right Now to End School Shootings