From press releases and handouts to social media posts, banner creative and lawn signs, we have attempted to assemble those tools (and then some) here for you to utilize in your community engagement efforts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We welcome your use of the resources we share in this section and realize that some amount of customization will likely be necessary.

If your modifications to the materials involve more than replacing one name or image with another for customization purposes, we do request that you obtain written permission from the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement prior to distribution, reproduction or public display.

Unfortunately, we do not have the resources on staff to assist you with further customization or alteration of the assets we’ve shared with you here.

If you do make significant changes to any of the assets, kindly forward your final/revised version to “info@jesselewischooselove.org” with a brief description of how you intend to use/display it and we will return approval as quickly as possible.

Your use of any of these assets constitutes your agreement with our policy request.  Thank you for your care in making sure the Choose Love Movement is always presented consistently and in a way that it can deliver the greatest impact to communities around the world!

Brochures, Handouts and Booklets

This directory is intended to provide quick access to documents you already know that you need.  Most of them are explained or referenced on the Engagement Ideas & Activities page.

Documents are provided “as is,” meaning that we cannot provide any further customization (size, colors, logos, images, etc.)

Whenever possible, we have provided these resources as editable templates on Canva.com, a free design website that will allow you to customize the items according to the needs of your community.  Here is a brief tutorial on how to customize Canva templates.

Choose Love Passport - Full Page

Choose Love Passport - Half Page

Choose Love Challenge Template

ALSO: Avery Print and Peel Stickers (5161) Template HERE

This collection of Choose Love activity ideas was created in cooperation with our partners at University of South Florida School of Mental Health and the Santoro Education Lifeskills Foundation during the early days of the COVID pandemic as a way to bolster morale and encourage Choosing Love on a national scale.  In this packet are 90 days of Choose Love content, including activity ideas as well as links for further learning that you can use to inspire your community engagement efforts.

Media and Official Use Templates

Please edit as necessary to customize them for your use.

Below is a Canva Template you may use to create a Choose Love banded community logo.

Please note: you have permission to replace “Livermore” with your community name and utilize the logo for community engagement promotion purposes.

Also included in this template is a Group cover image that you may also use if you create a Group within the Choose Love CONNECT Community.

Here are the (PNG) versions of the official Choose Love Formula™.

Please note: always include the trademark (™) symbol when referencing the Choose Love Formula™.  The following images can be used on a landing page or any collateral you create, but cannot be modified without permission.

Horizontal Formula Banner

Formula Banner

Formula Banner (Spanish)


Here is a collection of videos that inspire and/or inform that you are welcome to use in your community engagement efforts.

Introductions to Choose Love

What Does A Choose Love School Look Like?