Choose Love Awareness Month – Compassion-in-Action

Feb 22, 2023 | Announcements, Awareness Month, General

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
Scarlett Lewis

This is our Compassion-in-Action week of the Choose Love Awareness Month. Compassion is the understanding of a problem or the suffering of another, and acting to solve the problem or alleviate the suffering. When we have the courage to step outside of our own busyness, distraction or even pain to help someone else we are choosing love.

Do you remember the saying, ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’? Not true. Words do hurt. So be kind, caring and compassionate.

Ways to Celebrate Compassion-in-Action Week

  • Be Kind to Yourself
  • Make a Choose Love Formula sign and hang it in your kitchen or classroom
  • Read a poem about compassion and then write your own
  • Treat yourself like royalty. Make yourself a paper crown
  • Show compassion for others. Offer a kind word or share a smile
  • Play Choose Love Bingo. Download card
  • Hug someone. Watch Scarlett hugging her dog.

Benefits of Compassion-in-Action

  • Enhanced connections and relationships
  • Able to respond in a loving manner
  • More caring and concern shown to others
  • Improved social skills
  • Social and Moral Awareness

Get a poster and support Choose Love.

More to do to Celebrate Choose Love Awareness Month