In this episode…
“Bullying is not acts of cruelty; it’s the omission of kindness.” That is a powerful statement from Jodee Blanco, activist and author of the New York Times Bestseller Please Stop Laughing at Me: One Woman’s Inspirational Story. Scarlett Lewis and Jodee have an eye-opening conversation on the subject of bullying. As the first survivor of school bullying to look back on those experiences as an adult, Jodee shares her feelings as a victim and how she turned her pain into purpose. As she explains how bullying has been misunderstood and mishandled by so many, she addresses relevant topics such as the invisible student, the need for tolerance and forgiveness in schools, compassionate forms of discipline, how parents need to adjust their approach to bullying, and offers a child’s perspective of both a victim and bully, and so much more. As you listen, you’ll learn steps to take to make a difference in a child’s life, and how, according to Jodee, everyone needs to “Connect, motivate and inspire (bullies) from the inside out.”
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