Programs & Professional Development

Choose Love programs have been designed BY educators FOR educators, and most instructors of these programs will agree that it is fun and rewarding to learn alongside the students as each lesson is taught. No formal program training is required; you can immediately begin teaching the lessons.

However, we do offer the following additional support options:

Self-Directed Program
  • Includes the Core Choose Love Curriculum
  • With access to lesson plans, links, supporting materials
  • Web-guided directions to content and distribution
  • Free online training available

No Cost

Professional Development Workshops
  • Choose Love Kickoff Keynote
  • Inspirational Workshop with Scarlett
  • Implementations & Best Practices
  • Behavior Guidance Training
  • Foundations of Choosing Love
  • Masterclass Series: Four workshops prior to starting each new pillar
  • Includes prep and follow-up to customize the workshop to your environment

$3,500 – $8,000

per workshop

Champion Support Program
  • Complete ongoing collaborative support from Choose Love Nurturers
  • Kick-off meeting with your Champion team, plus four check-ins for support at the start of each pillar
  • Culture development practices customized to lift Sideliners to Frontliners in your environment
  • Validated measurement & reporting pre-post for your team and students


Student Per Year

$1,500 Minimum

Packages & Custom Workshops Available!

Kickoff Keynote Sessions with Scarlett Lewis

What better way to kickoff the Choose Love For Schools™ program than with Scarlett, herself? Scarlett will share her inspirational story and the powerful data that supports Choose Love programming in a way that will unite, excite and motivate staff, parents, and anyone else to begin teaching Choose Love!

Meet Our Certified Trainers

Choose Love Program Director, NH; Certified Trainer

Shannon Desilets

Certified Trainer

Aleshia Fleming

Certified Trainer

Shae Owens

Certified Trainer

Rick Rood

Choose Love Program Director, NH; Certified Trainer

Shannon Desilets

Shannon’s journey is an example of when one’s passion and purpose come together. At her core is the desire to help others. Shannon’s expertise in brain-based trauma therapy is what first introduced her to the Choose Love Movement, as she has provided therapy to the Newtown/Sandy Hook CT community for the last 10 years. She has been an instructor of this specialized therapy (MNRI), teaching and providing therapy worldwide. With a strong desire to work to bring the Choose Love Movement to her son’s school in NH, she became a Choose Love Ambassador, but things didn’t stop there.

Shannon was appointed by and has worked directly out of the office of Governor Chris Sununu since August of 2018  Since this time, she has led the nation through the efforts and example being set by the state of NH, utilizing this Character Social Emotional Development lifespan program. She is a pivotal member of the School Safety Preparedness Taskforce, working directly with Homeland Security. Further, under her direction, New Hampshire has become the first in the nation to launch Choose Love for Caregivers (designed for foster parents and workers in the field), as well as Choose Love for Corrections.  She provides workshops for every division within the Department of Safety and various other state departments.

Shannon is a published author for STRIVE magazine, sharing what NH has made happen with the Choose Love Movement. Shannon also leads the Choose Love Youth and College level Ambassadors.  In addition, she serves as the Choose Love liaison for governmental departments nationwide.

Her heart shines when bringing the Choose Love Movement forward, and she is fueled to bring this to all!

Email:shannon.m.desilets at

Certified Trainer

Aleshia Fleming

Aleshia Fleming has dedicated herself to educating students in Texas for 24 years. She is currently a school counselor at Hillsboro Intermediate School in Hillsboro, Texas.

Aleshia became a Choose Love Ambassador for the state of Texas in 2020 and has spread the message of Choosing Love with many educators and families. She has had the opportunity to lead the movement in her own district since 2018. Aleshia has presented throughout the state of Texas to educators and administrators sharing the impact Choose Love can make in schools, communities, and homes. She is also a facilitator for the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation and hopes to help spread Jesse’s message of Nurturing, Healing, Love.

Email:aleshia at

Certified Trainer

Shae Owens

Shae Owens has a BS in Elementary Education and a MS in School Counseling.  She has been an educator for almost 30 years serving Texas schools as an elementary school teacher and counselor. She is currently the school counselor at Hillsboro Elementary School in Hillsboro, Texas.  Hillsboro ISD has been implementing Choose Love for Schools since 2018, and since that time Shae has experienced the many positive ways that Choose Love has transformed campus culture for both students and staff.

Shae was recruited by Jesse as a Choose Love Ambassador for the state of Texas in 2020, and has had the opportunity to connect with educators throughout the state by presenting at conferences and workshops at the district, region, and state levels to introduce them to the Choose Love Movement. She is passionate about sharing the Choose Love message and believes Choose Love should be part of ALL campuses and communities.  Shae is excited to be part of the team of Choose Love workshop facilitators and looks forward to helping Choose Love GROW throughout not only Texas, but across the nation, by assisting other educators with implementing Choose Love for Schools at the campus and district levels.

Email:shae at

Certified Trainer

Rick Rood

Rick Rood has been on the front lines of Education for nearly 30 years, working directly with children and front-line staff.  With degrees in Education, Afterschool Care, and Applied Mathematics, Rick is a student of the thought leader movement, distilling lessons from master teachers like Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and Brendon Burchard – giving them practical application to education professionals.  Participants have described his workshops as “fascinating” and “life-changing.”

Rick is a classroom teacher, and in the past he has run afterschool programs, taught music, computer programming, and youth leadership workshops.  Rick is a contributor to “Youth Today!” and is the author of “Games Teachers Play Before the Bell Rings”.  Rick is a Certified High Performance CoachTM and works privately and in groups with education professionals to help them achieve higher levels of performance in their work and personal lives.

Rick is the driving force behind Transforming Teachers, Transforming Education, an organization rooted in the Positive Youth Development philosophy dedicated to training and inspiring youth-serving professionals.  Through Transforming Teachers, Rick has delivered workshops and keynotes to thousands of education professionals, helping teachers transform their “inner game” of teaching to better serve youth, children, and families.

Rick and his team created the Beyond School Time Conference for Out-of-School-Time Professionals in 2018 as a way for California’s OST Professionals to connect, learn, and gather inspiration.

Email:rick at