Foundations of Choosing Love for Parents
Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Time: 7:00-8:30 Eastern
Cost: FREE
Facilitator Name: Julia Richter
Parents will work together to experience the Choose Love formula; courage + gratitude + forgiveness + compassion in action, and will walk away with an understanding of the power of Choose Love activities and resources, while learning foundations to teach Choose Love practices to their children. Parents will familiarize themselves with Choose Love For Homes programming by engaging in wellness practices and learn mindfulness/mental fitness techniques to cultivate a positive, healthy mental well being, and in turn, better support the needs of their children.
- Identify symptoms of stress in children, while learning tools and skills to teach children how to manage emotions in order to thoughtfully respond
- Learn complimentary therapeutic modalities and fun creative ways to bring Choose Love practices into the lives of children of all ages
- Cultivate a positive, healthy, mental and emotional state of being in order to lead and live with love
Please consider making a donation to the Choose Love Movement to support our mission and continue to make our programming available for everyone free of charge. As well, learn more about our CARES Professional Developments for schools and visit our online store.
Julia RichterImplementation Coach & WI Ambassador, Choose Love Movement
Julia Richter has a BA in Elementary Education and a Minor in Dance. She received her Masters Degree; “Integrating the Arts in Education” and taught arts based programming in inner city schools to help build levels of confidence, trust and a sense of belonging. She became a certified Growth Coach through Lifeforming Leadership Coaching and received her certification in Mindfulness & Social Emotional Learning and Positive Intelligence.
Julia learned so much about herself and how to better manage stress and cope with pain by practicing the Choose Love formula, and so it became part of her mission to help coach these essential practices and strategies to her two teenage daughters as well as educators to be proactive in providing tools and skills to manage emotions, be resilient in the face of adversity, make positive choices, and have meaningful relationships.
Julia took her experiences of parenting, teaching and coaching to create the “C.A.R.E.S.” Coaching Program. In “Cultivating Authentic Relationships in the Education System,” Julia coaches creative strategies and social emotional well-being practices to and empower both youth and adults in becoming the best versions of themselves and learn to thoughtfully respond with love.