Tapping In The Classroom
This spotlight webinar is for teachers and school personnel. A discussion on how to introduce tapping as part of the Choose Love Curriculum tailored to grade level and developmental level of the students. Teachers will have the tools to introduce tapping to their students in an easy doable way which will not require much additional work or preparation for them.
Date: March 8, 2023
Time: 7:00-8:15pm EST
Facilitator Name: Dr. Maria Laura Ortner
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Upcoming Events:
Harnessing Neuroplasticity to Create Personal Resilience with the Self-Havening Touch
Dr. Maria OrtnerGlobal Director, The Tapping Solution Foundation
DR. MARIA LAURA ORTNER is a licensed psychologist who served for
27 years in public schools in Connecticut, prior to beginning her work with The Tapping Solution Foundation. She holds degrees in Clinical and School Psychology, as well as a Doctorate of Education, and has published a book entitled “Big Changes in the Little House; How to Talk to Your Child When Facing Tough Financial Times,” in both English and Spanish. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the mom of Nick, Alex and Jessica, she lends her voice and expertise to the Spanish Tapping meditations.