
Feb 7, 2024 | Announcements, For Educators, General, Workshops

When I got my first teaching job back in 1984, I had no idea what I was getting into.  I had no inkling of the power of teaching and how teachers literally transform the future with each and every moment they spend guiding their students.  Now it’s 40 years later, and, looking back, I can see the moments on my journey that created the level of influence and affinity with my students and their families along the way. 

When I began teaching the CHOOSE LOVE curriculum five years ago, I experienced the power and the transformation that the CHOOSE LOVE philosophy brings.

What amazes me is that it is not just transformational for my students… it has caused a transformation in me.

The reason I wanted to share my story with you is because I want you to know me. And I want you to know that I can help you, too.  That’s why Scarlett and I have created the Choose Love Coaching program.

So do me a favor and watch this video:


As you’ll see, I’m helping people become radically more effective at delivering the CHOOSE LOVE curriculum… and, at the same time, creating and facilitating personal transformations for those who are ready to learn and grow.

I’d like to help YOU achieve:

  • Creating “flow” in your Choose Love curriculum execution
  • Increasing your influence as a Choose Love practitioner and as an educator
  • Helping you achieve the NEXT LEVEL in your effectiveness in transforming the lives of your students
  • Guiding you to higher performance in your ability to make a difference in our world

Go to Choose Love Coaching and submit an application. We have limited seats available and the deadline to apply is February 29, 2023.

Please send me an email if you have any questions.

– Rick Rood, your CHOOSE LOVE coach



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