Wellness Sunday “Nurturing Our Inner Compassion”

Sep 8, 2021 | Events

The Choose Love Wellness Series Every Sunday

Compassion is part of our nature. We become tired when the flow of compassion is only in the outward direction. We get compassion fatigue when we have compassion for others but not for ourselves. It’s the lack of compassion towards ourselves that makes us feel tired.

The “Nurturing Our Inner Compassion” Series provides nourishing self-care techniques to release stress & restore vitality in body + mind. Come away with newfound awareness & practical wellness tools to tap into your potential for unlimited well-being that you can carry into your week.

Amplify your vitality with us on Sundays and create the kind of week that is nourishing, supportive and energy building as you share your incredible gifts with others through the week.


Choose Love Wellness Series Sundays

#canbewell #learninginfinitepossibilities #dancedebut #bioenergeticwellness

#ChooseLoveWellness #ChooseLove

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