Create your own Happy SELF!

Jun 16, 2021 | Announcements, Events, General

Tracy Fox, a 20 year executive life coach, authored the book, Happy Self, and will be joining the Choose Love Book Club discussion on June 23rd at 7:00 pm ET. Tracy will be revealing three quick ways to achieve a “Happy Self”, and you will learn how to live your life with clarity and confidence when you join us.

Scarlett Lewis, Choose Love Book Club host, sat down with Tracy to get to know her a little better.

What will our readers get from your book, Happy Self?

I share my signature strategy to help you transform yourself from the inside out. It is about elevating your inner game so you can reflect that strength in your outer game, regardless of circumstance. I show you how to use your creative power of self–determination and free will to design, create and build the life you desire.

What is your favorite Choose Love character value and why?
My favorite value is courage. People believe that folks who do courageous acts are not afraid. We think of fireman and first responders. However courage is really the ability to be afraid and to step forward anyway. It takes courage to live out every other true and meaningful value. Here are some examples: It takes courage to suggest to a group that is gossiping about a co-worker to instead look for what is positive about that person. It takes courage to admit to your spouse that you want a happier marriage. It takes courage to invite the unwanted person in for a cup of tea. It takes courage to forgive someone who has brutally betrayed you. It takes courage to be thankful when things aren’t going well. Courage in necessary for real and meaningful transformation. 

How do you Choose Love in your daily life? 
I start every day asking God to show me who I can serve. This way I am less likely to miss an opportunity to see who might be in need. It could be an employee at a coffee shop who I simply thank for their hard work or something more challenging like offering a homeless gentleman I see on the street a ride to a shelter. There is immense need everywhere but if we can make a small impact in “choosing love” daily it become part of our routine and feeds our daily happiness. 

How did you come to know Scarlett and the Choose Love Movement?
Scarlett was a keynote speaker at my Darien Lenten Luncheon. This is an event I hold yearly where we invite over 400 women to enjoy lunch, encourage one and other, and contemplate the true meaning of Lent. Scarlett impressed everyone with her own story of resilience in the face of adversity and more importantly the power of forgiveness. She is a shining example of living al life of excellence. 

You are a NYU certified executive fife coach, speaker and best selling author. What sets you apart from other life coaches?

I get to the core issue in the very first session and provide a step-by-step action plan for success. What other coaches can do in 8-12 months, I can do in 8-12 sessions. I enjoy helping my clients breakthrough those obstacles to achieve maximum results which is also the inspiration for my books – Happy Self, a Happy Marriage & a Happy Work-Life.

Register now for our Choose Love Book Club discussion with Tracy Fox on June 23rd at 7:00 pm ET.

Buy “Happy Self“.

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