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How a 6 Year Old School Shooter can Teach Us Where We’ve Gone Wrong

How a 6 Year Old School Shooter can Teach Us Where We’ve Gone Wrong

Recently in the news we read about a 6 year old child in Newport News, Virginia, who brought a gun to the school in his backpack and shot his first grade teacher in the chest during an altercation. The boy was immediately taken into custody. Thankfully the teacher lived. Here is where the question lies, who do we blame?

Let’s face it, when we blame someone else, we’re off the hook!

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Let’s Leave the World Better for Our Kids

Let’s Leave the World Better for Our Kids

I woke up to the importance of really being a part of the whole process of keeping kids safe. I focused on the root cause of the suffering that leads to diseases of despair because we can reduce and prevent the suffering before it starts. That is what Choose Love is all about.

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Choose Love February 2023 Calendar

Choose Love February 2023 Calendar

February is Choose Love Awareness Month! It’s a time to focus on ways you can bring more Nurturing Healing Love to yourself and others. Celebrate all the ways you Choose Love every day by learning and practicing the Choose Love Formula. Help us spread awareness and...

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Valentine’s Day with Elisabeth Röhm

Valentine’s Day with Elisabeth Röhm

Scarlett Lewis will be having an Instagram Live event with award-winning actress, philanthropist and more Elisabeth Röhm on Valentine’s Day. Scarlett and Elisabeth, as they discuss what connects us all and brought them together, choosing love. Join in on the conversation and movement to create the world we want to live in and leave as our children’s legacy.

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