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Choosing Love through Social Awareness

Choosing Love through Social Awareness

By Scarlett Lewis, Chief Movement Officer Social awareness, the ability to understand and respond to the needs and feelings of others, plays an integral role in our daily lives. It fosters empathy, strengthens relationships, and builds harmonious communities. Through...

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Beyond Management: The Art of Classroom Guidance

Beyond Management: The Art of Classroom Guidance

It's time to retire the old "classroom management" playbook. Why? Because "management" implies control over objects, not nurturing of young minds. Instead, let's embrace a more powerful paradigm: classroom guidance. This shift isn't just semantic – it's a fundamental...

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Walking Together

Walking Together

By Scarlett Lewis, Chief Movement Officer The Choose Love Movement™  encapsulates the essence of what it means to walk courageously alongside one another rather than pushing or pulling each other forward. This profound act of walking together is rooted in the Choose...

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